Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Top 6 Effective Weight Loss Exercise after C-Section

Top 6 Effective Weight Loss Exercise after C-Section

weight loss exercise after C-Section


Highly effective weight loss exercise after c-section, nine months of pregnancy is a long way back to what you were even after your marriage you always look at your pictures and you think that you are all toned up and fit back in the days. Think about going back in time and fixing all of this but thinking of a time travel is almost unrealistic but getting on your toes and gearing for a regular exercise routine would definitely repair the damage and help you get your old self back. so buckle up and follow the simple exercise routine that can get you all toned up with these simple weight loss exercise after c-section and get amazed after you'll see the results.

Once you get an approved from your doctor and you're clear to do a little exercise after c-section, you need to understand that things will happen slowly and gradually. Start off with a little bit of walking and Kegels. Add up stuff to your routine slowly with a little pause and patience with your walking and Kegel routine. 

6 effective weight loss exercises after C-Section / Postpartum.

1. The plow pose ideal for your vertebral column and shoulder. This requires you to lie on the floor trying to reach your arms and legs that are above your head in an elevated position.

2. The Sphinx pose ideal for long abdomen thorax and shoulder lie on your stomach try lifting your chest and head. Your chest and head would be just a little upwards from the floor.

3. The bridge pose ideal for thorax vertebral column and neck you need to lie on your back on the ground now bend your knees and press your heels, perform this in a way that you're pressing through your heels and at the same time try to lift your lower body and back from the ground.

4.Chest Press

5. Lunges

6. Squats

Now these movements and poses are highly effective to stretch your stomach also it strengthens your pelvic floor. The good part is you don't have to get too hard and aggressive on yourself and you need to have a doctor's permission to apply these weight loss exercise after c-section in your routine. If these start to hurt you need to stop any exercises immediately. Lifting your baby and all your baby stuff is an exercise in itself but at times it's not enough to strengthen your abs or give you a flat tummy.

Read More About 10 Days Fat Reduction Tips

So ask your doctor if you can apply weights and dumbbells to do your Weight Loss Exercise after C Section, only if you think you're strong enough to do or prioritize your cardio workout routine. Take a little time for yourself to make sure you couple your workout and exercise with some calorie consumption a healthy eating to get more strength and recover would help you to get in shape.
