Friday 9 October 2020

10 Tips For Walking to Lose Weight

brisk walking for weight loss

Top 10 tips to help you maximize your weight loss using walking.

Some People Excel At WALK EVERY DAY And Some Don't - Which One Are You?

  1. The metabolism you burn a higher percentage of fat while walking over sprinting now you actually burn more calories while sprinting. let's say for 20 minutes, over walking for 20minutes the number of calories that you burn is higher for fat. If you do a lot of walking you can burn a lot of fat as long as you're walking enough.
  2. As long as you're doing 15 to 30 minutes of walking on average per day, you're will be burning a sufficient amount of fat to allow you to lose weight.
  3. Human beings are designed for walking. When we're a child are actually an infant our first exercise is walking. When we learn to walk we're actually hardwired for that so even as adults some of us think that we have to be doing all these different types of exercises and one of the best exercises for actually cardiovascular conditioning and for lower body muscular strength is walking. We are designed to do it so walking is one of the best exercises that you can do from a young age up to elderly age.
  4. You have to look at the leanest athletes on the planet and those are bodybuilders. One of the forms of cardio that many-body builders use to get as lean as they do is walking. The Quickest & Easiest Way To WALK EVERY DAY and one of the reasons why they do that is because again you're increasing your ratio of fat to the amount of carbohydrates that you're burning and you can ramp up the intensity for walking.
  5. If you're on a treadmill, you can increase the speed or you can increase the incline or both or you could even like use a backpack with weights. To make sure that your heart rate is high enough to even get higher fat burning to allow you to lose more weight and get rid of walk every day once and for all.
  6. Walking doesn't necessarily have to be super intense it can actually help you recover from your workouts faster. So for example, if you're doing strength training and you're doing a lot of lower body workout, walking can be an easy way to help kind of dissipate forces through your low back through your hips. Walking can actually help you recover faster and walk helps you lose weight. If you're doing a lot of upper body exercises walking can actually help to reload or take the stress off of the upper body.
  7. Walking can allow you to get into the outdoors which human beings are designed. We generally have better mental health effects, we can get outside for at least thirty minutes or more every day now you can't do an elliptical outside, you can't do a stair climber outside but you can walk outside. So it is beneficial at times to get off of the treadmill and get outside and walk and see the outdoors get to know your neighborhood.
  8. The physical mental and emotional health benefits of walking are well documented. Physically you're gone have a lower chance of getting a heart attack. You'll have a lower chance of getting a stroke, you will live longer if you're regularly walking. Apart from physical, mental health benefits, less anxiety and depression, and more creative. If you're walking even for sleep the research shows that people who walk more get better sleep.
  9. A benefit of walking is, a lot of people are driving or taking buses, trains and if you can walk where it's 15 minutes or less, I want you to consider doing that because you do get the best benefits of walking which are regular exercise. Then you walk back that's half an hour of walking which can be really helpful and can be your exercise for the day.
  10. Walking for weight loss is one of the best physical therapists in the world.

Clear And Unbiased Facts About WALK EVERY DAY


Monday 17 August 2020

Exercise For Flat Stomach in 30 days For Women

Exercise For Flat Abs For Women | Exercise For Flat Stomach

best flat tummy exercises for female


I want to share with you a very effective exercise to develop Flat abs. There are twelve steps in total, which need about 10 minutes to complete.

13 Best Exercise For Flat Tummy in 30 Days. 

First of all, you need to exercise to tighten abdominals and make your lower back touch the ground all the time. This will avoid back pain after going through all steps.

1. Crunches: In this exercise raises one leg upright and the other bent. Try to touch the knee of the opposite straight leg with your elbows. Beginners can simply rest one leg on the knee of the other leg, as depicted in the upper right corner of the screen. Keep tightening the lower abdomen, and keep the lower back hugging the ground. 

2. This is an excellent exercise to develop firm abs, as well as to train the lower abdomen and legs. Slow down the move and do it as accurately as possible. Pay attention to your breathing. Exhale when exerting and inhale when you relax.

3. Breaststroke kicking with hands holding the head:  Make a V when you extend your legs, keep tiptoes touch each other when you recover legs. Beginners can just simply kick out  in their hands. Breaststroke kicking can not only develop abdominal muscles but also slim downside waist and thighs.

4. Russian Twist: This is essential for developing firm abs. Lift your legs up off the ground, bring your hands together, Touch the ground behind one side of your body with your hands while turning and your eyes following your hands. Beginners can keep their legs on the ground. Pay attention to tightening the abdomen.

5. Reverse crunches: Lying flat on the floor, keep your legs close to your chest and your toes pointed to the ceiling. When you lower your legs, try touching the ground with tiptoes further from the body. The further you tip, the better the effect will be. Keep tightening the abdomen. Then, lie in the lateral and make kicks.

6. Support your upper body with your arms straight and make oblique kicks. Make sure you are kicking obliquely to reduce your belly fat. The exercise will be able to train the muscles of the side waist effectively, as well as rendering slim perfect legs. Watch your breath. Exhale when exerting and inhale when you relax. Switch to exercise the other side of the body. Tighten your lower abdomen and legs straight.

7. Plank: Planked with buttocks contacting the floor. Maintain your buttock in a correct position, not too high or too low, tighten abdomen and core muscles throughout the process. This move can result in a perfectly flat stomach and slim side waist. Watch your breath and tighten the abdomen.

8. V confrontation: The body and legs are in a V shape, with feet off the ground. If you can't do it, just support the upper body with your hands and make crunches. This is an excellent exercise to train lower abdominal muscles.

9. Leg lifting: If you can't make it, ignore leg lifting, just with feet together and knee bent, push the hip off the ground, with the power from the abdomen. Remember to tighten the abdomen all the time. Now switch to the other side. Except for developing flat abs, this exercise can also maintain a thin waist and legs and improve muscle strength of buttock. Always contract your lower abdomen. Pay close attention to your breath. 

10. Single-leg Bridge: This is a perfect exercise that enables you to develop abdominal muscles and flat stomach, as well as muscles of both buttock and legs. Beginners may choose to do Glute Bridge instead. Switch to the other side. Contract your abdomen and raise your hip. 

11. Sideways mountain-climbing: In this stomach exercise, keep the knees close to the chest. Raise the hip a little bit, not too high or too low. This exercise can develop flat abs quickly. If you get exhausted, just support the body with your hands.

12. Kick Back: Kickback towards ceiling first, then touch the elbow from the outside. If you find it difficult, just kick backwards and complete elbow touching. This exercise promises to develop flat abs, also slim downside waist and give you a nice booty. The better the result, the harder the exercise will be. Now return to the starting position and switch to the other side.

13. In the early stage of the exercise, you may not be able to complete all moves accurately, or you can but only last a very short time. As long as you schedule to exercise every day, you will be able to handle all moves soon.


Stretches After Exercise For Flat Stomach Workout:

After completing all the flat stomach exercises, do some stretching.

1. First comes a dramatic salute by putting your hands upon your head and stretching them back. You can feel the abdominal muscles being stretched.

2. lie on your stomach, rest your upper body on your elbows and stretch your abdominal muscles. Breath slowly, relax. Support your upper body with hands, you will feel that your abdominal muscles are stretched even further.

Read More: Slim Arms Exercise for a Beginner


Remember to exercise one time each day. If your body fat percentage is high, watch your diet. For example, stay away from greasy and high-sugar food. Eat every meal just 80% full. Or have several small meals each day. If you complete the stomach exercises one time each day and control your diet, you'll soon see the firm abs on your body within a week, even two or three days.


Friday 7 August 2020

Get Slim Arms in 30 DAYS

Slim Arms in 30 DAYS Without Building Muscle in 8 Minutes 

slim arms exercise


In this slim arms in 30days exercise routine, I will share a set of exercise very effective slimming arms. I have been doing these 8 Exercises in a total of 45 seconds per exercise then take a break for 10 seconds.

8 Simple Slim Arms Exercise for a Beginner At Home.

1. Arms Cross Over Exercise.

When you are doing arms cross over to keep the belly tightened, Keep your arms straight and well-controlled. Do not shrug Keep sinking shoulders all the time. The two shoulder blades should be pushed down and then tightened inwards. Don’t raise your arms too high Keep elbows lower than shoulders, this can help avoid shrugging.

Arms Up and Down Exercise

2. Arms Up and Down Exercise.

In this second variation of slim arms exercise, Keep your arms straight and well-controlled. You can look into the mirror while exercising, watch your breath Exhale when hands raised Inhale as you lower the hands. Don't shrug Sink your shoulders, clamp the two shoulder blades and keep your belly tucked all the time.

3. Tricep Press Exercise.

The third exercise is Tricep Press, Keep your inner arm as close to your ear as possible. Especially when the forearm bent backwards do not open the elbow outwards, Don't shrug Pay attention to tighten your abdomen when standing to avoid anterior tilt of the pelvis. This exercise is mainly performed by the triceps on the back part of our arms because the triceps have not been exercised for a long time which causes Muscle atrophy and fat accumulation.

4. Palm Down Exercise.

Raise your arms keep forearm perpendicular to the upper arm, always keep your arms tense don't shrug, sink down and clamp the two shoulder blades. You feel your arms start to feel sore and burning? Watch your breath Exhale when exerting force Inhale while relaxing.

5. C - Rotation Exercise.

In this variation of slim arms exercise Keep Arms straight and well-controlled Keep your fingers apart as far as possible and draw a C letter with arms. Do this action slowly and controlled, make sure to flip your hands to the maximum. Relax your shoulders don't shrug Sink your shoulders as always and clamp the two shoulder blades. This exercise can help to tone the whole arm especially inside and back parts of the arm.

6. Chest Fly Exercise.

In this variation, keep forearm perpendicular to upper arm Clamp the two forearms, raise your arm then back to the original position. Then raise it again and do it slowly, always keep your arms tighten don't shrug your shoulders tighten the shoulder blades. This exercise works very effective on our shoulders and back part of arms.

7. Backwards Pauses Exercise.

Move your arm hard backwards, Note that the elbow joint is locked don't let the forearm flutters.

8. Arm wing Exercise.

The last exercise is Arm Wing, Upper body lean forward slightly tighten the lower abdomen. Clamp both arms inwards tightly don't shrug, Lower the shoulders and keep palms up then raise the whole arm up. Don't bend the arm raise up the whole arm then drop. Keep the arms tighten and controlled even when you drop it be slowly and well-controlled. This exercise can burn the fat and tone the arm and slim arms.

Read More: Weight Loss Exercise after C-Section


After completing the slim arms exercise or slim arm workouts, do some stretching and relax shoulders. If your arm feels really sore you can do some massage also. 


Tuesday 28 July 2020

5 Tips For Period Cramp Relief At Home

5 Yoga Poses For Period Cramp Relief At Home 

Bloating, cramping, headaches during that time of the month sounds familiar ladies? Indulging in cravings like caffeine, alcohol and chocolates may feel satisfying at that moment but it’s not!

5 Yoga Asanas to relieve you of this painful period cramping.

  1. SUPTA BUDDHA KONASANA OR RECLINED BOUND ANGLE POSE: Lie down on your back and use a pillow to support your lower back. You can even practise this on your bed. Bend your legs and spread open the knees, with the feet touching each other. Place your hands on your navel, close your eyes, and stay here for around a minute, continue breathing through the nose. Slowly relax and release the legs. This variation of the butterfly pose is really beneficial for lower back pain and cramps. It works on the uterus and gives it some relief from the pain.
  2. UPAVISHTA KONASANA OR SEATED ANGLE POSE: Sit up on your sit bones, and spread your legs open. Straighten the back and slowly start walking your hands in front of you on the floor lowering the upper body. If possible try to hold the toes with your hands, otherwise, stay up to whatever point you're comfortable. Hold here for 5-7 breaths and relax. This asana stretches the reproductive region and helps release the pain through the hip opening.   
  3. HAPPY BABY POSE OR BALA KRIDASANA: Lie down on your back, and lift the legs off the floor. Bend the knees towards the armpit, with the shin perpendicular to the floor. Grab the inner arches of your foot from the inside with your hands. Stay here for 8-9 breaths and slowly release. This asana is amazing to open up the hips and pelvic floor gives a good activation to the abdominal organs and relaxes muscle contractions. 
  4. MATSYASANA OR FISH POSE: Cross your legs and lie down on your back. Placing the knees on the floor, lift the head and place the crown of the head on the floor. Place your hands on your thighs and stay here for 5-7 breaths. Slowly release your head, come up and then release the legs. This pose eases out lower back pain and cramps and helps remove the stiffness from the hips. 
  5. ANANTASANA OR SLEEPING VISHNU POSE: Lie down on the left side of the body, and place your left hand above your ears. Lift the right leg up, and grab the toes or ankle. Stretch the leg up and straighten the knee. Stay here for 5-7 breaths and repeat on the other side. Anantasana helps open up the pelvic floor and hips and gives a great stretch to this region. It helps balance menstrual disorders if done over a period of time as well. 
These yoga asanas for period cramp relief have restorative and therapeutic qualities to ease off the pain. So keep it slow-paced and relaxed. 


Wednesday 22 July 2020

Top 6 Effective Weight Loss Exercise after C-Section

Top 6 Effective Weight Loss Exercise after C-Section

weight loss exercise after C-Section


Highly effective weight loss exercise after c-section, nine months of pregnancy is a long way back to what you were even after your marriage you always look at your pictures and you think that you are all toned up and fit back in the days. Think about going back in time and fixing all of this but thinking of a time travel is almost unrealistic but getting on your toes and gearing for a regular exercise routine would definitely repair the damage and help you get your old self back. so buckle up and follow the simple exercise routine that can get you all toned up with these simple weight loss exercise after c-section and get amazed after you'll see the results.

Once you get an approved from your doctor and you're clear to do a little exercise after c-section, you need to understand that things will happen slowly and gradually. Start off with a little bit of walking and Kegels. Add up stuff to your routine slowly with a little pause and patience with your walking and Kegel routine. 

6 effective weight loss exercises after C-Section / Postpartum.

1. The plow pose ideal for your vertebral column and shoulder. This requires you to lie on the floor trying to reach your arms and legs that are above your head in an elevated position.

2. The Sphinx pose ideal for long abdomen thorax and shoulder lie on your stomach try lifting your chest and head. Your chest and head would be just a little upwards from the floor.

3. The bridge pose ideal for thorax vertebral column and neck you need to lie on your back on the ground now bend your knees and press your heels, perform this in a way that you're pressing through your heels and at the same time try to lift your lower body and back from the ground.

4.Chest Press

5. Lunges

6. Squats

Now these movements and poses are highly effective to stretch your stomach also it strengthens your pelvic floor. The good part is you don't have to get too hard and aggressive on yourself and you need to have a doctor's permission to apply these weight loss exercise after c-section in your routine. If these start to hurt you need to stop any exercises immediately. Lifting your baby and all your baby stuff is an exercise in itself but at times it's not enough to strengthen your abs or give you a flat tummy.

Read More About 10 Days Fat Reduction Tips

So ask your doctor if you can apply weights and dumbbells to do your Weight Loss Exercise after C Section, only if you think you're strong enough to do or prioritize your cardio workout routine. Take a little time for yourself to make sure you couple your workout and exercise with some calorie consumption a healthy eating to get more strength and recover would help you to get in shape.


Thursday 9 July 2020

Dhanurasana Benefits


Uses of bow pose

Dhanurasana is a seated chest opening asana, if you see anatomically the total body gets nicely stretch when you are performing this yoga asana.

Top 5 Benefits of Dhanurasana: 

  1. It is very good for people suffering from asthma and anxiety.
  2. Women who have the menstrual disorder, this asana can play a very important role to manage and regulate the menstrual problems.
  3. It improves digestion, removes fatigue and brings energy back.
  4. This asana strengthens the spine and also strengthens the front of the body.
  5. Improves posture.

When you do this dhanurasana, the shoulders and the upper back muscles are stretched nicely. This asana improves the posture because the spine stretches nicely the posture becomes better when you practice this asana. When you are lying on the abdomen all the organs which are there inside the abdomen gets beautifully massaged and that is the reason why it has a very good impact on all the organs. 

How to do Dhanurasana? 

Let us see how to perform this asana. Dhanurasana or Bow Pose is done in a prone position lying on the abdomen the starting position for all the prone asana is feet together chin on the ground or if you are comfortable put it on the ground, hands by the side of the body and shoulders relaxed. Now we enter into the asana, so what we do is we bring the chin forward then we remain here for a while then we will bend both leg and the knees. You can stretch the ankle after catching the ankle what you will do is you will stretch the toes towards yourself so that your maintaining the feet active when you keep your feet, active and it will engage thighs. It will also engage the core, pelvis and the buttock region so that the impact on the lower back. 

We are going to lift uplifting up from the chin then from chest and knees together, just watch this after holding stretch the toes in now lift. We are lifting from the chin and chest together, when we do this lot of time we will find that it's difficult to come up from the lower back or from the legs region up also when we do this we have to roll the shoulders. We have to externally open rotate the shoulders outward so that the chest has a face to open up one more thing that we can do is to increase or to increase the height of the knee. While lifting the legs much higher is you should feel that as if you are pushing the ankle away from you and up so we should feel that the hands are being pushed away and up don't bend the hand at the elbow lot of time people when they do like this bending the elbow. It's difficult to raise so what we need to do is we need to open the shoulder, open the chest now after keeping the feet active we will let the ankle go away from the body so can you see it becomes easier for the chest to lift and then we will use the hands to lift the ankle up to the seed, you push the ankle up it actually allows the lower extremity to rise higher. This makes it an easier lot of time it looks a little awkward when the only chest is lifting when you can lift your legs also it will have a nice impact on the lower back. In fact, sometimes the impact on the lower back is very intense and it is also very good for the belly. 


People suffering from high or low blood pressure, insomnia, those who have serious neck and backache injuries they should avoid doing Dhanurasana.


You need to breathe properly while holding this asana because it becomes easier to sustain the body. Release your hands, legs and turn your face on one side and relax your breath. When you do this asana it impacts on the abdomen and it stretches the spine. Dhanurasana can be very helpful for the advanced backward bend.

Read More: Toned & Slim Thighs in 7 DAYS

Learn Dhanurasana with a certified Yoga Trainer  or Yoga Instructor
